Following Up

The Art of following up

The odds are you miss work because you do not follow up well.

Let me explain.

Companies spend a lot of time and money advertising, messaging, and developing their websites.

This, in many cases, is the focus of their marketing, which is odd when you think about it.

The initial advert is the biggest hurdle to getting clients.

So when you have sparked interest, following up well will convert more to clients.

Here is a short story that makes the point.

Several years ago, I purchased a new home.

It was a new build, and the garden was a real mess.

It still looked like a building site and was unsuitable for a family.

So, I called 3 landscapers about turning the ground into a garden.

Nobody replied to my messages.

So, I called another 3, and then another 3.

I show my age here, but the phone book was nearly empty!

I finally got 3 companies to give me an estimate.

But only 1 turned up!

Guess who got the gig?

The kicker is that things have not changed much since, except we message and not call.

Messaging is more manageable than calling, so there should be no excuses.

My top tips.

  1. Follow up as soon as you get the message.

  2. Provide them with the information they have asked for.

  3. Offer to speak to them when it is good for them.

  4. If they don't reply, message back with the offer of help, nothing more. No sales.

  5. No reply again? Ask if they are okay.

  6. No reply again? Tell them you're sorry you did not hear from them, but this is the last message.

  7. You must not appear desperate, even if you are!

These simple messages will get you more deals.


Bad Branding


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